Le monde des Blythes est plein d'abréviations spécifiques et on a vite fait de s'y perdre
Voici donc un petit lexique que nous avons concocté, libre à vous de répondre à ce message pour le compléter. Nous éditerons alors ce message au fur et à mesure.
AAA = blythe "Art Attack"
AB = blythe "Asian Butterfly"
ABE = blythe "Asian Butterfly Encore"
AE = blythe "Angelica Eve"
Aztech = blythe "Aztech arrival Inspired"
BBB = blythe "Bohemian Beat"
BBA = blythe "Bohemian Beat Again"
BBB = blythe "Black Berry Bush"
BirdieB = blythe "Birdie Blue"
CC9B = blythe "Cloud 9 Bowl"
CC = blythe "Candy Carnival"
CG = blythe "Cinamon Girl"
CP = blythe "Cinema Princess"
CuCu = blythe "Cute & Curious"
DDabi = blythe "Dainty Biscuit"
Diva = blythe "Darling Diva"
DB = blythe "Disco Boogie"
DD = blythe "Dottie Dot"
EEP = blythe "Enchanted Petal"
FFaPa = blythe "Fancy Pansy"
FruPu = blythe "Fruit Punch"
FT = blythe "French Trench"
FTS = blythe "Feel The Sky"
GGG = blythe "Groovy groove"
GNC = blythe "Good Neighboor Cafe"
Goldie = blythe "All Gold In One"
GR = blythe "Gentle River"
HHH = blythe "Hello Harvest"
IIH = blythe "Ichigo Heaven"
ILYIT = blythe "I love you it's true"
JKLLK = blythe "Last Kiss"
LL = blythe "Lounging Lovely"
LM = blythe "Love Mission"
MMBF = blythe "My Best Friend"
Milk = blythe "Lil'Heart by Milk"
Mitten = blythe "Mitten by Blythe"
Mondrian = blythe "Mondrian"
MRB = blythe "Mademoiselle Rosebud"
MRM = blythe "Mrs Retro Mama"
MS = blythe "Merry Skier"
NNF = blythe "Night Flower"
NIB = "new in box" nouveau en boîte
NRFB = "never removed from box" jamais sorti de la boîte
OOOAK = "one of a kind", unique
OTS = blythe "Over The Stripes"
PPAM = blythe "Princesse à la Mode"
Parco = blyth "Parco"
Picca = blythe "Piccadilly Dolly"
Piccae = blythe "Piccadilly Dolly Encore"
PD1A = blythe "Prima Dolly Ashlet "
PD1G = blythe "Prima Dolly Ginger "
PD1V = blythe "Prima Dolly Violet "
PD2A = blythe "Prima Dolly Aubrey "
PD2E = blythe "Prima Dolly Ebony "
PD2S = blythe "Prima Dolly Saffy "
PDC = blythe "Pirma Dolly Cassis"
PDM = blythe "Prima Dolly Melon"
PDP = blythe "Prima Dolly Peach"
PP= blythe "Inspired by Pinafore Purple"
PWP = blythe "Pow Wow Poncho"
QRRDP = blythe "Rainy Day Parade"
RFB = "removed from box" sorti de la boîte
RN = blythe "Rouge Noir"
Roxy = blythe "Roxy Baby"
RR = blythe "Rosie Res"
RRE = blythe "Rosie Red Encore"
SSD = blythe "Skate Date"
SB = blythe "Sunday Best"
SM = blythe "Samedi Marché"
SME = blythe "Samedi Marché Encore"
SMF = blythe "Strawberry Millefeuille"
SSD = blythe "Superior Skate Date"
SS = blythe "Silver Snow"
STA = blythe "Save The Animal"
StarD = blythe "Star Dancer"
SVB = blythe "Sunday Very Best"
TT42 = blythe "Tea For Two"
T42e = blythe "Tea For Two Encore"
TD = blythe "Tweedly Do"
TF6 = blythe "Tommy February 6"
TG = blythe "Tailor Gibson"
UUT : blythe "Ultimate Tour"
VVCB = blythe "Verry Cherry Berry"
VM = blythe "Velvet Minuet"
VS = blythe "V-Smash"
WWMA = blythe "White Magic Afternoon"
WMM = blythe "White Magic Morning"
WMN = blythe "White Magic Night"
XYYNH = blythe "yuki no Namida Hime"